After spending some time brainstorming, making sketches, and taking pictures, I began designing the banner for eternallygreen -- again, it is an Esty shop soon to be up and running that consists of cute hand-crafted items by the artist, Priscilla Clendenning. It is way worth checking it out.
I will go through all of the designs which I have revised according to her wants. In the beginning we had not discussed how she wanted the design to look, which led to a few revisions. Overall, I thought it was a fun, yet challenging project, and I really liked how honest Priscilla was throughout the entire process.
Although I was not liking the style of the final composition, I was able to create a banner based on Priscilla's style, which was more important and rewarding in the end, knowing that she is able to get her Etsy shop started.
Designs 1 & 2
my thoughts // I found a photograph that I had taken of a sunset glowing behind a bright red bush. I wanted a natural texture to be placed in the background of the design, so I did that here. The image gave off a beautiful, natural gradient (seen in design 2) from a melon pink to an orangy-green. I kept the colors just as they were. I chose a hand-written font to coordinate with her hand-made shop. Then I traced over some of the leaves and flowers in a cream color to match the text, which gave a simple yet attractive look. I drew in some thin brown lines along the edges to look like sewn thread. Afterwards, I create a duplicate and altered the colors to purple and green to give Priscilla a color option.
her thoughts // Priscilla wasn't liking the purple at all! But she was liking the green on the far right of the first design. She wanted me to add in butterflies, color in the flowers dark orange, darken the thread, and make the font smaller.
Designs 3, 4, 5 & 6
my thoughts // I drew four butterflies, and colored them in; I figured she wanted more color going on. As I was adding color to the flowers, they did not look like flowers anymore. The cream outlines looked terrible around the orange, so I started over and drew new flowers with dark brown outlines to coordinate with the thread. I left the background green, but then began experiementing with different textures. I really liked the look of the canvas. Then I drew in some dandelion seeds to add variety. In the last design, I decided to go with a lowercase font for a different look, and then left the background more natural-looking with a canvas fabric minus the green.
her thoughts // She said, "It still lacks pizazze..." She liked the last design best due to the yellow background and lowercase font. She did not liked the stamped look of the large butterfly, so she wanted me to take it out and replace the flowers with a bare branch. She was wanting a design that looked more realistic.
Design 7
my thoughts // For a little while, I was stuck. I wasn't sure how realistic she wanted the design to look. Was she thinking photographs? or vector images? So, for the first time, I created a vector image of a branch. I know she asked for a bare branch, but I added two leaves to give her an option.
her thoughts // She liked the branch! But she was wondering if I could take out the yellow butterfly, and add in a path with a girl and boy walking on it for a more cutsie feel.
Final Design
my thoughts // I took out the butterfly and drew a boy and girl walking on a path.
her thoughts // Priscilla told me it was perfect the way it was! It had the cutsie, nature look she was wanting for her online shop.